The Scioto Model ‘A’ Ford Club, founded in 1958 in Columbus, Ohio, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Model ‘A’ Ford automobile. Every month we have a club meeting, a group outing or driving tour, and publish the Club’s newsletter called the Scuttlebutt.
New Members are always welcome and may contact any current member for information about the next scheduled meeting. Potential members should feel free to attend one of our Club’s Monthly Tech Meetings as our guest. Ownership of a Model ‘A’ Ford is not essential to becoming a member of the Club, only an interest in this fine automobile, known as “Henry’s Lady”. Annual dues are only $25.00.
2025 Officers:
President: Mike Ruede
Vice President: Dave Graney
Secretary: Pat Liston
Treasurer: Spencer Cheek
Technical Director: Rick Lindner